The WALK Recap
Royal Oak, Mich. (June 2, 2018) – On June 2, nearly 400 people showed up at the Detroit Zoo to take a walk with the Children’s Leukemia Foundation of Michigan.
Together, they raised more than $38,000 at The WALK to help patients and families in Michigan affected by leukemia, lymphoma and other blood related disorders.
The largest team by far was Team Shoop with over 70 walkers in attendance. Team Shoop consisted of employees and families that work at Kem Krest and they walked in memory of their co-worker, Steve, a.k.a Shoop.
“A special thank you to Team Shoop, our sponsors and our MC, Theresa Lucas from 100.3 WNIC,” said Heidi Grix, CLF President and CEO. “We had a very moving opening program with a kick off to the walk and then people were able to enjoy the day with their families at the zoo.”
Event sponsors included: Bartech, Kem Krest, Koch & White Heating & Cooling, Berline, Bagger Dave’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, New York Bagel and 100.3 WNIC.
Mark your calendars for The WALK next year, which will occur on Saturday, June 1, 2019, at the Detroit Zoo and feature a new scavenger hunt for the children and young at heart.
About Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan
Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan (CLF) is a state-wide, non-profit organization that provides disease and treatment education, social work based emotional support, financial assistance and opportunities to attend events and outings to adults, children and families affected by leukemia, lymphoma and other blood-related disorders.
The Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan is proud to join the quarter of rated charities at charitynavigator.org who have received the maximum 4-stars for strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency.
The Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan does not solicit by phone.
For more information about CLF, visit leukemiamichigan.org.