Donor Spotlight: Greg Kroesing
We’d like to introduce you to Greg Kroesing, Director of Sales and Marketing for Embassy Suites by Hilton Detroit-Troy/Auburn Hills. Greg is best known for his leadership role with the fabulous "Trick or Suite" program, hosted at Embassy Suites each year for our patients and families. This event brings in sponsors to go all-out and decorate a series of rooms at the hotel, enabling folks battling blood cancer to enjoy a safe place for Halloween fun.
This year, Greg marks his 25th year of partnership with BCFM (formerly CLF). When asked about some of his favorite memories of “Trick or Suite”, Greg replies, “I have so many mixed emotions and memories. Many smiles and some tears, as we remember associates and friends that we’ve lost over the years. Yet, my best memories, are those of the children and seeing the joy on their face. One of the early years, I built a Lego man costume and walked around the hotel passing out Lego figurines that the Lego store in Somerset Collection donated. The first year, 2009, we created what you know today as the haunted maze. It wasn’t what it is today, but that was a fun start to many years of dedication. A good chunk of the props in that area were hand built in my garage and some with the help of my daughters, so that makes the memories even more special.”
When asked about why BCFM’s mission matters, Greg doesn’t hesitate. “It’s funny how the universe works. We’ve worked with CLF, now BCFM for years. Hosting ‘Trick or Suite’, attending the annual walks at the zoo, along with other events. And while I somewhat knew about some of the blood cancers out there, you never think it’s going to personally affect you. Then, in 2019, a personal friend and long-time hotel associate, Patti Payne, learned she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Patti was an amazing human being. She was the type of person that would light up a room with her smile. In fact, I don’t know if I ever saw her in a bad mood. Discovering multiple myeloma late in the stages, Patti lost her life a year later. In 2021 multiple myeloma hit even closer to home, when my mother-in-law was diagnosed. Unlike Patti, she discovered it early and we are happy to say she has successfully made it through her chemotherapy and stem cell procedures.”
Greg continued, “We really have never shared the amount of time and money invested into ‘Trick or Suite’, because it was never about us. Yet the reality is, each year we invest thousands of dollars and hundreds of volunteer hours to make this event happen. I share this, not because we expect any credit or recognition. In fact, it wasn’t until this year’s event that we ever had any media coverage. For me, the purpose of this event has transformed. It will always be a night to bring joy and fun to families stricken by a less then desirable situation. However, I would love to see this event start to inspire others to do more. Invest an extra hour to help or support someone in need, volunteer and/or connect with a local charity. I don’t want to sound sappy, but the reality is, if we all do more, this world truly would be a better place. Years ago, I read a quote by Zig Ziglar, ‘You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.’ I’ve followed this message ever since. If you put enough good energy out into the world, it will be returned to you in the future.”